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Driving Innovation and Growth



Reservations Required:   
May 18, 2022

8:30 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.


​Global Midwest Alliance invites you to its first program in the Alliance's 2022 Innovation, Growth and Globalization Industry-Focused Series. Past food industry programs have focused on a number of topics, including food safety, policy changes, global food production and sustainability, food supply chain management, packaging innovations, reducing food waste, the impact of food, nutrition and technology on our health and wellbeing, and the regulation, sustainability and growth of the food industry.

U.S. trade in food and agricultural products looks likely to set a new record this year, even though the global pandemic still lingers. However, food trade must overcome numerous obstacles as logistical challenges and broken supply chains continue to stress the sector. In addition, cybersecurity has come to the forefront as a primary focus for food companies, given hacking incidents and the potential exposure of business data. Ongoing developments in information technologies shift the playing field, providing both new opportunities and challenges for firms as they move forward in this evolving environment. Digital technology will play an ever more crucial part in the future of global trade, especially for food and agriculture.

Innovations in information technology could provide fixes to backlogs and choke points in the global trade system through the implementation of blockchain, electronic data interchange, and other new applications. Sensors and the Internet of Things also have parts in this story as well. Moreover, changes in international food safety standards and priorities of global regulators could present a prime opportunity for digital technologies to shine. Besides food safety, digital tools can help improve people’s health, boost immunities and the traceability of ingredients. A safer and more sustainable food industry can benefit from new information technologies, while lowering the costs of production and transportation (boosting profitability).

Food and agriculture is an important sector for the Midwest economy, especially as a generator of new markets and employment. World trade connects Midwestern companies to distant markets—ever more so as information technologies close the distance and enable enhanced responses to changing governmental policies and consumer desires.

Join Global Midwest Alliance and leaders from industry, government, and other organizations as we some of the key issues regarding information technology and the future of food trade.

Seating is limited. The cost to attend this industry program is $95 per person, payable at the time of registration. Please register on or before May 17, 2022.

The Crucial Role of Information Technology
in Food Trade
About Our Sponsors
Kerry is dedicated to making the world of food and beverage better for everyone. Every day, millions of people throughout the world consume foods and beverages containing Kerry's taste and nutrition solutions. The focus on changing lifestyles, the globalisation of food tastes and ever-evolving consumer needs has brought us to a market-leading global position. Today, we are firmly established as a world leader in the food, beverage and pharma industries, with 23,000 staff and 100+ innovation and manufacturing centres across six continents. 

The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago is one of 12 regional Reserve Banks that, along with the Board of Governors in Washington, D.C., make up the nation’s central bank. The Chicago Fed serves the Seventh Federal Reserve District, which encompasses the northern portions of Illinois and Indiana, southern Wisconsin, the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, and the state of Iowa. In addition to participation in the formulation of monetary policy, each Reserve Bank supervises member banks and bank holding companies, provides financial services to depository institutions and the U.S. government, and monitors economic conditions in its District.

Global Midwest Alliance is a business-led, region-wide organization dedicated to transforming the Midwest into an internationally recognized leader in innovation and business growth. The Alliance aligns and integrates resources throughout the Midwest helping businesses to grow by leveraging existing resources to develop new products and find customers throughout the world. The Alliance is the Private Sector Liaison Office for the World Bank and a member of Global CONNECT. Through these and other affiliations, the Alliance facilitates access to global business opportunities for Midwest business. The Alliance offers educational and networking opportunities through a variety of programs and resources designed to promote innovation, technology development and access to global opportunities in the clean technology, energy, food, logistics, manufacturing and water industries.

The Private Sector Liaison Office (PSLO) Network of the World Bank Group is a group of 155 business intermediary organizations in 98 countries around the world working to foster trade and investment between countries with the support of the World Bank Group's products and services. PSLOs facilitate companies' access to World Bank Group business opportunities, services and knowledge, and act as the voice of the private sector in advising the World Bank Group on how to better engage companies on development issues.

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Welcome and Opening Remarks
David Oppedahl, Senior Business Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 

Keynote: A Fireside Chat
Wes Frierson, Vice President of Strategy, FoodChainID
David Oppedahl, Senior Business Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago ​

20-Minute Break


Innovation and Technology Panel
Moderator: Dave Donnan, President, Silvertip Management
Steven Hobbs, Partner, Lighthouse Visibility Partners LLC
Matthew Osegard, Supervisory Special Agent, FBI  
Dan Wallace, Vice President of Retail Partnerships, Shelf Engine​

20-Minute Break


Growth and Global Opportunities Panel
​Moderator: Robert Brackett, Senior Vice President and Dean, IEH Academy, IEH laboratories & Consulting Group
Emma Cahill, Global Marketing Director for Food Protection and Preservation, Kerry
Marty Johnson, Senior Manager, Global Product Management-Environmental Sensors, ZebraTechnologies

Questions and Closing Remarks
Christopher A. Bloom, Partner, K&L Gates 

8:30 a.m. 

8:35 a.m. 

9:05 a.m. 

9:25 a.m.

10:25 a.m. 

10:45 a.m.

11:45 a.m. 
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