Driving Innovation and Growth
Access to clean water remains a major international health and economic issue. More than 884 million people lack access to safe drinking water while 2.6 billion people -- or roughly 39% of the world's population -- live without access to improved sanitation. Simply put, lack of clean water and sanitation claims more lives each year than war. With the global population expected to exceed 9 billion by 2050, we can no longer ignore the problem.
Alliance Partners in the Water Industry Sector
According to the World Heath Organization, the global economic losses associated with inadequate water supply and sanitation are estimated to be $260 billion annually (Global Costs and Benefits of Drinking-Water Supply and Sanitation Interventions to Reach the MDG Target and Universal Coverage, 2012). The human cost is just as staggering: 1.5 million children under the age of five die each year from water-related diseases.
Global Midwest Alliance is leading a Water Industry forum for meaningful interactions between key executives engaged in water purification, desalination, and water sanitation, and scientists engaged in scientific research with a view to creating new products and novel, effective solutions to improve water safety. Identifying the key challenges – accessibility, separation, filtration, purification, recycling, storage distribution -- and bringing together the technologies, entrepreneurs and funding resources is an Alliance priority. Our goal is to improve economic development so that clean water and sanitation around the world can become a reality,
If you would like more information about partnering with us on upcoming programs and sponsorships available within the Water Industry sector, please contact Gail Longmore at [email protected].
January 9, 2025
May 29, 2025
Food Industry Program
December 30, 2024
November 20, 2024
September 25, 2023